Frequently Asked Questions?

  • The Redeemed Christian Fellowship, a thriving campus ministry dedicated to raising up a generation of Christ-centered leaders. With over 85 campuses engaged, we are passionate about worshiping together, building communities of faith, and empowering students to boldly live out their calling in Jesus Christ.

  • RCF is a family where any students, from undergrads to PhD candidates, can grow spiritually, serve faithfully, and lead courageously

  • Led by the Holy Spirit, RCF is on a mission! We’re not just a ministry of events—we are a ministry of IMPACT. Over the past year, we’ve expanded beyond virtual gatherings to bring revival directly to campuses.
    Through missions work, we’ve prayed on campuses, encouraged leaders, evangelized to students, and collaborated to create impactful programs. Wherever God calls, we go—starting new fellowships where none exist and fortifying existing ones to ensure that every student has a place to encounter Jesus Christ.

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